1 | 出于习惯,我目前每天察看一次网站统计。 | I currently check my stats once a day out of habit. | |
2 | 单元三一起在外度过一天 | unit 3 Spending a day out together | |
3 | 当然,风能不可能取代日复一日的都比较可靠的核能或其它形式的热能发电。 | Windpower will never, of course, replace the day-in-day-out reliability of nuclear or other thermal forms of electricity generation. | |
4 | 当这种事发生的时候,就好像是无中生有地变出了一天似的,差不多一直在屋子里上窜下跳。 | When that happens we pretty well prance around the house like we’ve somehow magically manufactured a day out of thin air. | |
5 | 动机是关键,但要每天都有动力却非一件易事。 | Motivation is the key, but it’s not always easy, day in and day out , to find that motivation. | |
6 | 非常开心看到还有人记得这是一场足球赛而不是到游乐场游玩的一天。那请问哪位可以告诉代尔这一点? | Nice to see someone still remembers that this is meant to be a football match, not a day out at a theme park. Now will someone tell Dyer? | |
7 | 狗绝不是可以弃之户外,无论寒冷,潮湿,或炎热,日复一日被栓在链子上。 | Dogs were never meant to be left outside, tied to chains by themselves in the cold, wet, or heat, day in and day out . | |
8 | 教养子女的责任繁多而复杂,但爸爸们仍日复一日从不间断地肩负着这些重责大任; | Day in, day out , dads take on the many complex responsibilities of parenting. | |
9 | 今天只是你整个生命中的一天,除非你快要死了,否则可能没什么大不了的。 | Today is one day out of your entire life. Unless you’re going to die soon, it’s probably not going to be that big of a deal. | |
10 | 旧社会劳动人民天天都在干活,但挣的钱依然不够吃。 | In the old society the working people worked day in and day out , but still couldn’t get enough to eat. | |
11 | 绝大多数人总是一日复一日的过着例行公事般的生活。 | Most people go through the same routine, day in and day out . | |
12 | 没有什么比日复一日的把自己献身于工作更没有意义的事情了。 | There’s nothing like having to drag yourself into work day in and day out if it is giving you little meaning. | |
13 | 那个美妙的夏日,我们一直待在1号小屋外面的游廊上,小屋位于高高的山上,可以俯瞰医院的其他地方。 | We had spent all of that splendid summer day out of doors on the veranda[1] of Hut 1, high on the hill overlooking the rest of the hospital. | |
14 | 你将透过本书的课程看到,市场经济是如何日复一日地创造着这样的奇迹。 | The lessons in this book will shed some light on how the market economy achieves such feats, day in and day out . | |
15 | 你可以天天听到他们争论着千篇一律的无聊话题。 | Day in and day out you can hear them arguing about the same silly subjects. | |
16 | 你思考的方式影响着你时时刻刻、方方面面的生活。 | The way you think, day in day out , affects all aspects of your life. | |
17 | 抛掉“一日三餐”的观点,因为它对跑步者并不适用。 | Throw the notion of three large meals a day out the window -- it doesn’t work for runners. | |
18 | 前不久,中国北方的冬季意味着只有一样蔬菜可吃:大白菜,整天就是它。 | Not so long ago, northern Chinese winters meant one thing: cabbage, day in and day out . | |
19 | 前总统乔治·W·布什打算轻松度过卸任后的第一天。 | Former president George W Bush planned to take it easy in his first full day out of office. | |
20 | 请描述你与朋友或家人外出的一天。 | Describe one day out you had with friends or your family. | |
21 | 任何其他的国家若整天长期遭受这种残暴的冲击将会爆发全面的内战。 | Any other society that had been subjected to this type of barbaric onslaught day in and day out would have been in an all-out civil war. | |
22 | 日复一日,除了宫颈涂片就没有啥事,然后有一天你放进窥阴器,一个咬牙切齿的家伙正回目瞠着你! | Day in and day out , nothing but pap smears, and then one day you put in the speculum and there are some choppers staring back at you! | |
23 | 日复一日,全球的商品流像例行公事一样适应了各种小故障和阻碍。 | Day in and day out , the global flow of goods routinely adapts to all kinds of glitches and setbacks. | |
24 | 日复一日,我们大多做着单调无聊的工作。 | Most of us work at boring jobs, doing the same thing day in and day out . | |
25 | 如果同样的股票多次出现,很显然它是最具有波动性的,具有日内交易的潜力。 | When the same name shows up on that list day in and day out , it is clearly among the most volatile issues, with great day-trading potential. | |
26 | 摄影师RichardBedfordz在诺福克某一天独自外出,发现了这些鸟儿,并观看了以上搏斗的场面。 | Photographer Richard Bedford spotted the birds while on a solitary day out in Norfolk and watched the battle unfold. | |
27 | 他们这样不断的重复,富有激情的,甚至是痴迷地,一天又一天,不是每年一两次。 | They do this repeatedly, passionately, even obsessively, day in, day out , not just once or twice a year. | |
28 | 他数十年如一日,日以继夜地在画室不停工作,擦掉又重新开始。 | Day in day out , decade after decade, he is in his studio working away, scraping off and starting again. | |
29 | 特别是遇到一个好天气,外出,读书,看云,喝茶,或者就单纯的坐着,享受外面的空气。 | Especially if it is a nice day out , go outside and read a book, watch the clouds, have a cup of tea, or just sit and enjoy being outside. | |
30 | 外面天气不好呀,不是吗? | It’s a disagreeable day out , isn’t it? |